SRA Deutscher Retriever Club DRC - Marpingen Urexweiler Germany

Best in Show

# Clasa Nume Proprietar
1 Campioni  Jarven Jella Of Firien Wood 30
Flat Coated Retriever
DE Blank, Carolin

Best in Show Veteran

# Nume Proprietar
1  Beautyfield's Hot Diggity 9
Flat Coated Retriever
DE Schwarz, Tanja

Best in Show Minor Puppy

# Nume Proprietar
1  Bubbles Roots United Dream 51
Labrador Retriever
DE Weber, Nancy

Best in Show Puppy

# Nume Proprietar
1  Zorro Ashes of St. Helens 10
Flat Coated Retriever
DE Kuckert, Andrea

Best in Show Junior

# Nume Proprietar
1  Fullcool Chummy Carla 56
Labrador Retriever
DE Eck, Dagmar

Best in Show Working

# Nume Proprietar
1  Super Hero Du Vivier Au Bois 73
Golden Retriever
BE Lokere, Liesbeth

Best in Show Couple

# Caini Proprietar
Golden Retriever
DE Goldermann, Michelle


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