SRA Deutscher Retriever Club DRC - Velden - Tag 2 - 2. Pegnitztalschau Germany


# Razred Ime Vlasnik
1 Otvoreni  Un Caprice Des Dieux No Hills 114
Zlatni Retriver
BE Van Nunen, Ilse

Best in Show Veteran

# Ime Vlasnik
1  Heyoka's Red Flame For Edison Hope 1
Nova Scotia duck tolling Retriever
DE Zavodny, Stephan

Best in Show Minor Puppy

# Ime Vlasnik
1  Helia of Graceful Delight 85
Zlatni Retriver
DE Renner, Silvia

Best in Show Puppy

# Ime Vlasnik
1  Little Violet´s To Innaffaires 91
Zlatni Retriver
DE Roedig-Brauch, Sabine

Best in Show Junior

# Ime Vlasnik
1  Proud To Please Enea Noomi 27
Ravnodlaki Retriver
DE Fuhrmann, Christine

Best in Show Working

# Ime Vlasnik
1  Nelson Golden Victory 73
Zlatni Retriver
CZ Míšek, Pavel

Best in Show Couple

# Psi Vlasnik
Nova Scotia duck tolling Retriever
DE Michalke-Sommer, Ulrike


Trust Guard Security Scanned