28/09/2024   5 months ago
51st International Dog show Maastricht Netherlands


# Class Name Owner(s)
1 Champion  Waggerland Kissimmee 139
Welsh Corgi Cardigan
NL Dijkhorst-Noij, R.c.m.
2 Champion  Whisborne Loch Ness 565
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
SE Friberg, Anna

Best in Show recognized national breeds

# Class Name Owner(s)
1 Junior  Utgard's Fortress Skyrmir Des Terres Du Valhalla 199
Saarloos Wolfdog
FR Quatresous, Louise
2 Champion  Vrouw Diesje v.’t Vrijbuitersnest 209
Dutch Shepherd Dog, Rough-Haired
NL does/tuitert, mannie
3 Intermediate  Siska Trientje Fan'e Âlde Leane 1009
NL Van Dam, Marianne

Best in Show Minor puppy

# Name Owner(s)
1  Vanderbilt's Starry Starry Knight 741
NL van der Elst, Tanja
2  Xeres Van't Duinezicht 264
BE Wouters, Cindy
3  Goddess Of Light V.d. Pacific Paradise 1330
Lhasa Apso
NL Geraerts, J.m.
4  Carmichael's Promising Future 636
American Staffordshire Terrier
NL Verhorevoort, Olaf
5  Spring Affair From Muskoka Dream's 895
NL Broers, Petra
7  Groovy Little Velvets Tootsie Pie 613
Miniature Bull Terrier
NL De Beer, Sophie

Best in Show Puppy

# Name Owner(s)
1  Victorious Tenerys De L'ambre D'espoir Des Hdf 972
Weimaraner, Short-Haired
2  Firstprizebears Vin Diesel 66
Bearded Collie
IE Masiule, Justina
3  Energy Di Ozzy 859
Xolotzcuintle, Standard
GB Thornton, Sebastian
4  Dutch Onyx Xana 373
NL Huigen, Sven
5  The World Is Not Enough Fci Agent 007 655
Dachshund Standard, Smooth-Haired
DE May, Melanie
9  Timeless Poms Reason To Love 798
NL De Wit, Annie

Best in Show Junior

# Name Owner(s)
1  Hjelme Got My Mind Set On You 812
Chow Chow
DK Hjelme, Stine
2  Womlu Worth The Wait With Heffalump 385
GB Herring, Emma
3  Megline Count Dracula 677
Dachshund Standard, Wire-Haired
NL Moses, Suzan
4  Krasoň Garex 547
Cesky Terrier
CZ Van Ruiten Hajnová, Gabriela
5  Stannamore Henri Muscari 1014
Italian Spinone
NL Wijnsouw, Annette

Best in Show Working

# Name Owner(s)
1  Bright Sun Lovely Gold 1117
Golden Retriever
CZ Holibková, Tereza
2  C-Leon 680
Dachshund Standard, Wire-Haired
NL Van Wanrooij, Corinne

Best in Show Veteran

# Name Owner(s)
1  Boujan Independent Climax 286
Schnauzer, Peper And Salt
GB Boulton, Philip
2  Bailandijiu´s Giorgio Armani 312
Shar Pei
DE Hormann, Desiree
3  Lundecock's Final Salute 125
Shetland Sheepdog
NL van Ulsen, A.S.

Best in Show Couple

# Dogs Owner(s)
RU Nagoryanskaya, Alena
Miniature Schnauzer, Black And Silver
DE Leonhardt, Ralph
Bouvier Des Flandres
NL Bruintjes - Schaap, Hennie

Best in Show Group

# Dogs Owner(s)
Tibetan Spaniel
BE Wittevrouw-vangelder, Ivan-corinna
Shetland Sheepdog
NL Rotmensen, Dieneke


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