keeshonden Specialty KCM Netherlands

Best FCI Group 5 96

# Class Name Owner(s)
1 Intermediate  Pomflay Kod Of Matrix 54
NL Duim, Alexandra
2 Champion  Venway How Deep Is Your Love 9
Keeshond (Wolfspitz)
NO Vigdal, Vivi
3 Champion  Uta Dâitan Of Romantic Eyes 93
Japanese Spitz
NL Ribbe-Vaneerdewegh, Truus
4 Champion  Dream Team Stars Bubblegum 27
Medium Size German Spitz, Orange, Grey Shaded And Other Colours
NL Cawley, John
5 Champion  Aikanáro Avicii Veni Vidi Vici 43
Miniature German Spitz, Brown Or Black
DE Decker, Sophia



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