04/09/2020 - 06/09/2020  
Lesce (CAC) + Bled - I and II (CACIB) all breeds Slovenia

Lesce CAC Odpri katalog
Bled - I Odpri katalog
Bled - II Odpri katalog


Seznam držav za prehajanje meje brez omejitev 
The list of countries for crossing the national borders without restrictions
Elenco dei paesi per l'attraversamento delle frontiere senza restrizioni


Information regarding show weekend in Lesce, 4.9.2020 – 6.9.2020 // COVID-19 rules

  • it is not allowed to spend the night with motorhomes at the airport parking lot, you can spend the night at River camping Bled:;
  • the application deadline for entries is 01.09.2020
  • all applications must be paid in advance, if the application is not paid by 28.8.2020, it is not taken into account, payment on the bank account or at the show is not possible;
  • if KZS cancels the exhibition, the amount of the registration fee will be reduced by € 10 for administrative costs;
  • if the Republic of Slovenia closes the border and/or issues quarantine for a certain country, the amount of the registration fee will be reduced by € 10 for administrative costs;
  • re-foundation of the registration fee in case of cancellation by the exhibitor is possible only with the confirmation of KZS upon submission of appropriate certificates (veterinary certificate, medical certificate, etc.);
  • complaints and appeals are not possible after the end of the exhibition;
  • arrival at the show will be 30 minutes before the start of the breed judging and departure 30 minutes after the end of the breed judging;
  • the judge will have 4 minutes per dog in the ring;
  • catalog number and ticket will be sent by e-mail;
  • the catalog will be only online;
  • schedules will be known AFTER the end of applications, estimated on 2nd of September 2020;
  • the judging is scheduled to begin: on Friday at 13:00, on Saturday and Sunday at 10:00;
  • visitors are not allowed;
  • exhibitors can come to the exhibition space according to the rule :  1 dog – 1 person;
  • preventive measures by government regulations must be performed during the show;
  • mandatory wearing of face masks in the ring;
  • BIS programm: Best of Group dogs (minor puppy, puppy, junior, veteran and best in grp) will be chosen in the ring at the end of the judging of the specific Group, only group winners stay for the Best in Show.

Respect our regulation, pay respect by giving space to others.
Working together can make these shows special and unforgettable. 

Informacije glede razstavnega vikenda v Lescah, 4.9.2020 – 6.9.2020 // COVID-19 pravila

  • z avtodomi ni dovoljeno prenočiti na parkingu letališča, prenoči se lahko v kampu River camping Bled:;
  • rok prijav je do 28.8.2020;
  • vse prijave morajo biti plačane v naprej, če prijava do 01.09.2020 ni plačana, se ne upošteva, plačilo na TRR ali na dan razstave ni mogoče;
  • v primeru, da KZS odpove razstavo, se povrne znesek prijavnine zmanjšan za 10 € za administrativne stroške;
  • v primeru, da RS zapre mejo/uvede karanteno za določeno državo, se povrne znesek prijavnine zmanjšan za 10 € za administrativne stroške;
  • povrnitev prijavnine v primeru odpovedi s strani razstavljavca je možno samo s potrditvijo KZS ob predložitvi ustreznih dokazil (veterinarsko potrdilo, zdravniško potrdilo; itd.);
  • reklamacije in pritožbe po zaključku razstave niso možne;
  • prihod na razstavišče bo 30 minut pred pričetkom sojenja pasme in odhod 30 minut po končanem sojenju pasme;
  • sodnik bo imel v ringu 4 minute na psa;
  • kataloška številka in vstopnica bosta poslani po mailu;
  • katalog bo online;
  • urniki bodo znani PO koncu prijav, predvidoma 2.9.2020;
  • začetek sojenja je predviden: v petek ob 13:00, v soboto in nedeljo ob 10:00;
  • obiskovalci niso dovoljeni;
  • razstavljavci pridejo na razstavni prostor po sistemu 1 pes – 1 oseba;
  • preventivni ukrepi v skladu z vladnimi uredbami v času razstave;
  • obvezno nošenje mask v ringu;
  • BIS program: najlepši psi FCI skupine (mladiči, najmlajši, mladi, odrasli, veterani) bodo izbrani v ringih ob zaključku ocenjevanja celotne FCI skupine, samo zmagovalci ostanejo do pričetka BIS programa.COVID -19 rules 

Spoštujte naše predpise, bodite spoštljivi in dajte prostor tudi drugim.
S skupmin sodelovanjem lahko vse naše razstave postanejo posebne in nepozabne.


46°21'41" N 14°10'17" E
Airport Lesce
Begunjska cesta 10
4248 Lesce
Cynological Association Slovenia
Elektronski naslov: [email protected]


Prijave za to razstavo so zaključene.


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