Vstopnice 21. Internationale Rassehundeausstellung Rostock, 12/10/2024 - 13/10/2024

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Mobilhome 11 Meters
Mobilhome - Night from FRI 6pm to SAT 6pm - 11 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Friday 11th to Saturday 12th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Friday from 6pm
Departure time: Saturday at the latest 6pm
Parking place size:. 11x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome - Night from SAT 6pm to SUN 6pm - 11 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Saturday from 6pm
Departure time: Sunday at the latest 6pm
Parking place size:. 11x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome - Night from SUN 6pm to MON 12pm - 11 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Sunday 13th to Monday 14th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Sunday from 6pm
Departure time: Monday at the latest 12pm
Parking place size:. 11x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome - Night from THU 6pm to MON 6pm - 11 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Thursday 10th to Monday 14th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Thursday from 6pm
Departure time: Monday at the latest 12pm
Parking place size:. 11x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome 7 Meters
Mobilhome - Night from FRI 6pm to SAT 6pm - 7 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Friday 11th to Saturday 12th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Friday from 6pm
Departure time: Saturday at the latest 6pm
Parking place size:. 7x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome - Night from SAT 6pm to SUN 6pm - 7 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Saturday from 6pm
Departure time: Sunday at the latest 6pm
Parking place size:. 7x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome - Night from SUN 6pm to MON 12pm - 7 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Sunday 13th to Monday 14th October 2024
Time of arrival :. Sunday from 6pm
Departure time: Monday at the latest 12pm
Parking place size:. 7x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
Mobilhome - Night from THU 6pm to MON 12pm - 7 Meters with electricity and Toilet
This option gives you right to a Mobilehome parking for 1 night from Thursday 10th to Monday 14th October 2024
Time of arrival :.Thursday from 6pm
Departure time: Monday at the latest 12pm
Parking place size:. 7x5m
Facilities:. Electricity & Toilet, no shower
sob. 12. 10 Parking Car - PKW 1 Day - SAM/SAT
Parken Samstag - Parking Saturday
sob. 12. 10 Parken ohne Auto - Parking other than car - SAM/SAT
Parken für SAMSTAG - Parking for SATURDAY
- Car + trailer/PKW Anhänger
- Car/PKW + Caravan/Wohnwagen
- Mobilhome/Wohnmobil

Not valid for overnight stay - Nicht gültig für Übernachtungen
ned. 13. 10 Parking Car - PKW 1 Day - SON/SUN
Parken Sonntag - Parking for Sunday
ned. 13. 10 Parken ohne Auto - Parking other than car - SON/SUN
Parken für 1 Sonntag - Parking for Sunday
- Car + trailer/PKW Anhänger
- Car/PKW + Caravan/Wohnwagen
- Mobilhome/Wohnmobil

Not valid for overnight stay - Nicht gültig für Übernachtungen
Besucherhunde - Visitor Dogs - 1 Tag/1 Day
Zutritt nur mit gültiger Tollwutschutzimpfung.
Admission only with valid anti-rabies vaccination.
Ticket Erwachsene - Adult - 1 Tag/Day
Ticket ermäßigt Senioren 64J+
Ticket Kinder 6-12 - Child - 1 Tag/1 Day
Ticket Nachmittag ab 15 Uhr für 1 Person Erwachsene
Ticket Nachmittag ab 15 Uhr für Kinder 6-12 - Kind



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