Club für Dalmatinerfreunde e.V.
WAFDAL Show & CDF Clubsiegerschau
Friday the 29th
Training Advanced handlers - starting at 10 am
Training Beginner handler, starting at 02pm
both sessions with Attila Schlosser
Evening Buffet
Saturday the 30th
Dalmatian Special Show with CAC (Club and VDH)
Evening Buffet
Titels: WAFDAL-Winner, WAFDAL Veteran-Winner & WAFDAL Junior-Winner
Sunday the 31th
CDF Clubsiegerschau
Dalmatian Special Show
with 2xCAC (Club) and CAC (VDH)
Titels: Clubsieger/in, Clubveteranensieger/in & Clubjugendsieger/in
1. Meldeschluss: 23.07.2025
2. Meldeschluss: 12.08.2025