Terrier Club Specialty Maribor Slovenia

Terrier Club Specialty Maribor Rezultate Eveniment Deschide catalogul

Terrier Club Specialty CAC Show Maribor



Information regarding COVID-19 rules at show weekend in Maribor, 24.7.2021 – 25.7.2021

A person arriving from an area on the orange list may enter Slovenia without being ordered to quarantine at home, if they provide a negative PCR or rapid antigen test, a certificate of recovery, a certificate of vaccination or a certificate confirming that they have recovered and have been vaccinated.

Club will organize PCR testing nearby.

46°32'30" N 15°39'09" E
Kinološko društvo Maribor
Dajnkova ulica 4
2000 Maribor
Slovenski klub za terierje


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