12/05/2023 - 14/05/2023   2 jaar geleden
Timisoara Traditional Trophy - 1xCAC, 3xCACIB, 1xClub Show Romania

Timisoara Traditional Trophy - Retriever & Water Dog Club Show Toon Resultaten Catalogus Raadplegen
Timisoara Traditional Trophy - CACIB I Toon Resultaten Catalogus Raadplegen
Timisoara Traditional Trophy - CAC Toon Resultaten Catalogus Raadplegen
Timisoara Traditional Trophy - CACIB II Toon Resultaten Catalogus Raadplegen
Timisoara Traditional Trophy - CACIB III Toon Resultaten Catalogus Raadplegen

Timisoara Traditional Trophy 2023

100 years since first dog show in Romania



Timisoara Traditional Trophy 12-14.05.2023

100 ani de la prima competitie in Romania/100 years since first dog show in Romania

Locatie / Lacation: Stadion UNIREA Giroc, 307220 Giroc, str. Trandafirilor, nr. 152

GPS: 45°41'12" N 21°14'27" E

Parcare libera / Free parking

Fiecare proprietar va primi un souvenir care se ridica de la Info point/ Each owner will receive a souvenir that can be picked up from the Info point 

  • Catalogul va fi disponibil pe platforma vineri dimineata/The catalog will be available on the platform on Friday morning 

Program /Schedule:

12.05.2023 - CACIB I   &  Retriever & Water Dog Club Show  & Bulldog Club

  • 09.00 intrarea cainilor/ dogs entry
  • 10.00 arbitraj cluburi/ clubs judging
  • 14.00 - 17.00 CACIB arbitrajul in ringuri/ CACIB rings judging
  • 17.30 BIS Program

13.05.2023 – CAC & CACIB II

  • 07.00 - 9.00 intrarea cainilor/ dogs entry
  • 09.00 - 12.30 CAC arbitrajul in ringuri/ CAC rings judging
  • B.O.G. se va alege in ring dupa terminarea arbitrajului la rasele din fiecare grupa / FCI Group winners (BOG) will be selected in the breed rings after breeds judging
  • 14.00 - 17.00 CACIB arbitrajul in ringuri/ CACIB rings judging


  • 17.30 - B.I.S. CAC
  • 18.00 - B.I.S. CACIB

14.05.2023 - CACIB III  & BOXER Club

  • 08.00 - 10.00 intrarea cainilor/ dogs entry
  • 10.00- 13.00 arbitrajul in ringuri/ rings judging
  • 12.00 – Boxer Club arbitraj/ judging
  • 14.00 - B.I.S. CACIB

Program B.I.S.

CACIB 12.05.2023

CAC 13.05.2023

CACIB 13.05.2023

CACIB 14.05.2023

Junior Handler (8-13)

Joao Vasco Pocas (PT)


Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Junior Handler (14-17)

Joao Vasco Pocas (PT)


Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Perechi / Couple

Vasile Papp (RO)


Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Grup de crestere / Breeding group

Roberto Schill (RO)


Vasile Papp (RO)

Zsolt Molnar (RO)

Grup urmasi/Progeny

Vasile Papp (RO)


Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Grupa 1 / Group 1

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Zsolt Molnar (RO)

Grupa 2 / Group 2

Vasile Papp (RO)

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Joao Vasco Pocas (PT)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Grupa 3 / Group 3

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Grupa 4 / Group 4

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Vasile Papp (RO)

Grupa 5 / Group 5

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Zsolt Molnar (RO)

Leif Herman Wilberg (NO

Roberto Schill (RO)

Grupa 6 / Group 6

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Roberto Schill (RO)

Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Grupa 7 / Group 7

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Roberto Schill (RO)

Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Grupa 8 / Group 8

Roberto Schill (RO)

Joao Vasco Pocas (PT)

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Grupa 9 / Group 9

Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Roberto Schill (RO)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Grupa 10 / Group 10

Joao Vasco Pocas (PT)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Zsolt Molnar (RO)

Roberto Schill (RO)

Best Romanian Breed

Zsolt Molnar (RO)


Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Vasile Papp (RO)

BIS Minor Puppy

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)


Roberto Schill (RO)

Zsolt Molnar (RO)

BIS Puppy

Zsolt Molnar (RO)


Joao Vasco Pocas (PT)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

BIS Veteran

Vasile Papp (RO)


Jane Serafimov (MK)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

BIS Non FCI breeds

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)


Marian Draganescu (RO)

Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Junior BIS

Jane Serafimov (MK)

Zsolt Molnar (RO)

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

Vasile Papp (RO)

Best In Show

Leif Herman Wilberg (NO)

Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

Marian Draganescu (RO)

Roberto Schill (RO)

Supreme Best In show

Maite Gonzalbo (ES)

 Comisia de contestatii /Claims Committee:

  • Petru Muntean - Delegat-observator A.Ch.R.
  • Vasile Carol Papp – Arbitru coordonator
  • Daniela Radu – Delegat A.Ch.R. Timis

Calificativele nu pot fi contestate, dar puteti contesta vicii de procedura din ring sau facute de organizator. Contestatiile se depun imediat la sceretariatul competitiei si se va achita dublul taxei de participare. Comisia se va intruni pentru deliberare. In cazul in care contestatia a fost fondata taxa de contestatie va fi returnata.

The qualifications can not be disputed, but you can challenge procedural flaws in the ring or made by the organizer. Complains are submitted immediately to the competition secretariat and a double of the entry fee will be paid. The committee will meet for deliberation. If the appeal was founded, the appeal fee will be returned.

Your dog can become Romanian Champion!

2 x CACJ - any Champion dog of another country FCI becomes Romanian Junior Champion!
3 x CACJ (one of them in CACIB) - any Junior dog becomes Romanian Junior Champion!

2 x CAC - any Champion dog of another country FCI becomes Romanian Champion!
3 x CAC (one of them in CACIB) - dog becomes Romanian Champion!

3 x CACL (one of them in CACIB) - dog becomes Romanian Champion Cum Laudae! (Grand Champion)

2 x CACV - (one of them in CACIB) - dog becomes Romanian Veteran Champion!

VETERINARY REGULATIONS: Dogs from abroad must have a PET PASSPORT and must respect the UE regulations.


  • Judging will be in timeslots;
  • Full digital ring administration and free online catalog;
  • The catalog will be only online;
  • Breed judges can be altered without notice;
  • Moving a dog to another show is not allowed;
  • By registering the dog, I declare that I accept the processing of personal data GDPR - UE 679/2016.
  • In case of the show must be cancelled all the subscriptions will be refunded minus 10 % to cover the costs.



45°41'12" N 21°14'27" E
Stadion UNIREA Giroc
str. Trandafirilor, nr. 152
307220 Giroc
Timis Kennel Club


Inschrijvingen voor deze show zijn momenteel gesloten


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