35° Belgische Duitse Staande Honden - Braque Allemand Belgium

35° Belgische Duitse Staande Honden - Braque Allemand Toon Resultaten Catalogus Raadplegen

35° Clubshow BVDS-CBBA
Rasspeciale -  Nationale d’Elevage

Keurmeester: Jos De Cuyper

Voor volgende Rassen:

Deutsch Langhaar
Deutsch Korthaar
Deutsch Draadhaar


Rules in case of Covid is still active at the date of the show

  • Full digital ring administration and free online catalog;
  • Mouth masks are mandatory on  the showground;
  • The organization reserves the right to cancel or alter the main ring program;
  • Preventive measures according to government regulations at the time of the exhibition;
  • In case of the show must be cancelled subscription will be refunded minus 6,05%. This 6,05% will be used to pay all the expenses, such as bank costs.


 Respect our regulations, pay respect by giving space to others. 
Working together can make these shows special and unforgettable.

50°56'24" N 04°58'12" E
Sportpark De Heide
Oude Leuvensebaan z/n
3460 Bekkevoort
Belgische Vereniging Duitse Staande Hond - Club Belge du Braque Allemand


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