Ring 27 - Chr Eymar Dauphin
Males - Libera
LOSH 1149405 (967000009590099) 27/07/14
Falco Of Nobel's Kingdom x Josje Of Nobel's Kingdom
Breeder: H.van Dewinckel
Owner: Severino Verscheure
Owner: Severino Verscheure

Males - Campioni
OHZB BPK561A (985170002337254) 18/06/12
Ares De La Vie Pastorale x Yarette De La Vallee Du Mouton
Breeder: Christian Monika Janes
Owner: Monika Janes
Owner: Monika Janes

Females - Giovani
OHZB BPK593 (985170002372273) 10/05/15
Loupiot De La Vallee Du Mouton x Ch. Kerelle De La Vallee Du Mouton
Breeder: Christian Monika Janes
Owner: Monika Janes
Owner: Monika Janes

Females - Libera
OHZB BPK584 (985170002371551) 23/01/15
Loupiot De La Vallee Du Mouton x Hachimette De La Vallee Du Mouton
Breeder: Christian Monika Janes
Owner: Monika Janes
Owner: Monika Janes

Females - Campioni
LOSH 1089037 (981100002507635) 07/12/10
Ares De La Vie Pastoral x Saphir Bleu De Loubajac
Breeder: De Clercq Ann De Clercq Ann
Owner: Ann De Clercq
Owner: Ann De Clercq

LOSH 1089036 (981100002631326) 07/12/10
Ch.ares De La Vie Pastorale x Ch.saphir Bleu De Loubajac
Breeder: Ann De Clercq
Owner: Honore Van De Winckel
Owner: Honore Van De Winckel