$BackTo(Date) petak 26.08
Krug 59 - Alfonso Simons
Mužjaci - Mladi
PKR 32100 (941000016918220) 02.07.15
Mahsai'S Sg Flaying Wind x Clumbus Danish Deloght
Uzgajivač: Ann-Charlotte Lindstrom
Vlasnik: Grazyna Placzek PL Poland
Mužjaci - Otvoreni
LOF 422/98 (250268731117792) 06.04.14
Clumburgh Angus x Chenoa Of Mayajoes'S Dream
Uzgajivač: Michèle Rosique
Vlasnik: Michèle Rosique FR France
HR 10013CL (981098104350356) 16.04.13
Ch.belcrum Billy The Kid x Ch.bimbik'S Gigille
Uzgajivač: Karme Reiljan
Vlasnik: Marko And Maja Bubalo HR Croatia
Mužjaci - Prvak
ROI 12/24268 (380260000732760) 25.11.11
Multi Bis Biss Ch. Clussexx Chance Encounter x Ch. Wymeswold Cartagena
Uzgajivač: Paula Cigala
Vlasnik: Jan Danielle Counotte - De Vree BE Belgium
HR 10006CL (191060000051412) 30.04.11
Int Ch Belcrum Billy The Kid x Int Ch Chervood'S Snowsun
Uzgajivač: Lana Levai
Vlasnik: Levai Lana HR Croatia
HR 10018CL (191100000731986) 11.07.14
Belcrum Billy The Kid x Chervood'S Snowsun
Uzgajivač: Lana Levai
Vlasnik: Levai Lana HR Croatia
LOSH 1127377 (981020007003480) 11.05.13
Bearsbay Full Speed To Cape Lewisporte x Ch. Clumburgh Aileene
Uzgajivač: Jan Danielle Counotte - De Vree
Vlasnik: Jan Danielle Counotte - De Vree BE Belgium
LOSH 1094219 (981100002474021) 28.01.11
Nl Kampioen Dockwray Skellum x Gelato Mantecato Of The Sandy Soil
Uzgajivač: Johan - Ingrid Vandeborg- Vanormelingen
Vlasnik: Johan - Ingrid Vandeborg - Vanormelingen BE Belgium
PKR VIII27397 (967000009326794) 12.06.11
Chervood'S Snowbear x Chervood'S Snow Party
Uzgajivač: Piotr Tram
Vlasnik: Grazyna Placzek PL Poland
NHSB 2928682 (2928682) 18.06.13
Ch Companionway Wild As The Wind x Companionways Taking No Bull
Uzgajivač: J.m. Stoop
Vlasnik: A.c Stoop NL Netherlands
Ženke - Najmladi
NHSB 3040997 (208210000555205) 04.12.15
Clumbraise Daves Gone Skiing Mr Snow x Chervoods Snow Ariel Of Hjalmar Sille
Uzgajivač: Anne Gersdorf Ernst
Vlasnik: Ruben Langhout NL Netherlands
Ženke - Mladi
FIN FI49450/15 (978101081502770) 09.09.15
Spice Twice Sir Bors De Ganis x Shogun'S Spice Twice Pricilla Pinkpaws
Uzgajivač: Ira Sarlin
Vlasnik: Ira Sarlin FI Finland
Ženke - Medurazred
LOS 729182 (250268731155254) 01.09.14
Bear'S Bay Funky Music x Aubade Au Clair De Lune Du Bois Des Amourettes
Uzgajivač: Andrea Carrasco-Meissner
Vlasnik: Elyse Sibille FR France
PKR VIII32151 (93900010663428) 16.12.14
Spice Twice Hobgoblin x Vis Attractiva Kaprys Rejenta
Uzgajivač: Piotr Tram Ewa Knuplerz
Vlasnik: Justyna Skolarus PL Poland
Ženke - Otvoreni
LOS 729183 (756093400001340) 01.09.14
Bear'S Bay Funky Music x Aubade Au Clair De Lune Du Bois Des Amourettes
Uzgajivač: Andrea Carrasco-Meissner
Vlasnik: Elyse Sibille FR France
Ženke - Prvak
HR 10007CL (191100000632953) 08.04.13
Belcrum Billy The Kid x Chervood'S Snowsun
Uzgajivač: Lana Levai Lana
Vlasnik: Levai Lana HR Croatia
LOSH 1094224 (981100002478417) 28.01.11
Nl Kampioen Dockwray Skellum x Gelato Mantecato Of The Sandy Soil
Uzgajivač: Johan - Ingrid Vandeborg- Vanormelingen
Vlasnik: Johan - Ingrid Vandeborg - Vanormelingen BE Belgium
FIN FI12413/14 (981098104651769) 12.12.13
Spice Twice Yosemite Sam x Shogun'S Spice Twice Pricilla Pinkpaws
Uzgajivač: Ira Sarlin
Vlasnik: Ira Sarlin FI Finland
PKR VIII227760 (967000009326792) 12.06.11
Chervood'S Snowbear x Chervood'S Snow Party
Uzgajivač: Piotr Tram
Vlasnik: Grazyna Placzek PL Poland
71 Vlasnik: Grazyna Placzek PL Poland
72 Vlasnik: Johan - Ingrid Vandeborg - Vanormelingen BE Belgium
154 Vlasnik: Levai Lana HR Croatia