Ring 21 - Markku Mähönen
Mâles - Champion
NHSB 2889094 (528140000492611) 01/07/12
Barak Bochan the Gloucester x Asya the Gloucester
Prod: L. v.d. Heijning
Prop: Geert Paardekooper Netherlands
Prop: Geert Paardekooper Netherlands
Femelles - Jeune
NHSB 3062675 (528140000661517) 03/11/16
Verdi-Amber V.d. Neerbosche Wateren x Jentie-Mila V.d. Neerbosche Wateren
Prod: B Groen
Prop: Jos Sutmuller Netherlands
Prop: Jos Sutmuller Netherlands