02/03/2025   15 days ago
Martinidogshow - CACIB 2 - DAY 2 Netherlands


# Class Name Owner(s)
1 Champion  Olympos Il Mio Eolo Dio del Vento 1155
Bracco Italiano
NL Weber, Sonja
2 Intermediate  Ina’s Fashion Highlight 1674
DE Koulermou, Ina
3 Champion  Falgreens Autumn Storm 834
Alaskan Malamute
DK Barrett, Louise

Best in Show recognized national breeds

# Class Name Owner(s)
1 Veteran  Hebbes V.d. Ganzeweide 264
Dutch Shepherd Dog, Short-Haired
NL Faasse, L.
2 Intermediate  Gjalt Oban Fan 'T Essenerfjild 1177
NL Senden-Bozelie, Anouk
3 Open  Mozes 1717
NL Wolf, Schelto

Best in Show Minor puppy

# Name Owner(s)
1  Oána Von Haus Rubens 875
Keeshond (Wolfspitz)
DE Luding, Beatrice
2  Fleur-sennah V.d. Vanenblikhoeve 321
Bouvier Des Flandres
NL Bruintjes Schaap, H.E
3  Ya Mwiba Star Of South Africa 1078
Rhodesian Ridgeback
NL van Doorn, A.R

Best in Show Puppy

# Name Owner(s)
1  Charlotte Mountbatten-Windsor Van Het Ruwielse Land 772
Dachshund Standard, Wire-Haired
NL Van Dijk, Sif
2  Nowitna Cool And Class 921
Chow Chow
NL Van Der Waarden, Nancy
3  Delirious Monza 1675
NL Brom, H & K.

Best in Show Junior

# Name Owner(s)
1  X'Texas El Paso Aus Dem Elbe-Urstromtal 75
Old English Sheepdog
BE Loest en Roeland, Cornelia en Paul
2  Carmichael's Promising Future 722
American Staffordshire Terrier
NL Verhorevoort, Olaf
3  Shiny Sensation's Arctic Wolf 1678
NL Veenstra, Margreet

Best in Show Veteran

# Name Owner(s)
1  Go And Win Keep On Rocking 1386
Portuguese Water Dog
DE Gauda, Carolin
2  Suntory Leonetti 1504
Lhasa Apso
DE Wilke, Kati
3  Saimon's Praide Flight Of Fantasy 1125
Rhodesian Ridgeback
NL Geel, Marike

Best in Show Couple

# Dogs Owner(s)
Lagotto Romagnolo
DE Zink, Nadine
Poodle Miniature, Black-White-Brown
DK Linneberg, Charlotte
Prague Ratter
NO Eide-Johansen, Vibeke


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