SRA Deutscher Retriever Club DRC - Hoisdorf Germany


Results of bests in show are not yet available.

For multi-day shows, please see the best day results by choosing the day.

For breed results, please choose the FCI group.

Best in Show Veteran

# Name Owner(s)
1  Heyoka's Red Flame For Edison Hope 79
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
DE Zavodny, Stephan

Best in Show Puppy

# Name Owner(s)
1  Like A Diamond Canis Regnum 44
Golden Retriever
DE Bastar, Inga

Best in Show Junior

# Name Owner(s)
1  United Kingdom Du Bois De La Rayere 12
Golden Retriever
BE Pastusiak, Karolina

Best in Show Working

# Name Owner(s)
1  Pride Of Greenyard Castle Of Summer 130
Flat Coated Retriever
DE Sommerburg, Cordula

Best in Show Breedersgroup

# Dogs Owner(s)
Of Lucky's Golden Fellows
Golden Retriever

Best in Show Progeny group

# Dogs Owner(s)
Golden Retriever
DE Köster, Evelyn


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