Your Junior Terriercan get 2 Belgian junior points in 1 day! Your Veteran can get 2 Belgian veteran points in 1 day!
1 x CAC & 1 junior / veteran point on Sunday afternoon 1 x junior / veteran point on Sunday morning
The 200th entry receives a fabulous gift!
See you all there !!!
Royal Belgian Terrier Club Club Royal Belge de Terriers Koninklijke Belgische Terriër Club ∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧∨∧ Reserved for Terriers of the 3rd FCI group and terriers of the non-FCI group Réservé aux Terriers du 3ème groupe FCI et tout les terriers du non-FCI groupe Voorbehouden aan de terriërs van de 3de FCI groep en alle van de non-FCI groep
T E R R I E R D O U B L E S H O W 4 M A Y
Un dépliant sur notre double show CAC & OPEN est joint ! Een flyer van onze dubbele show CAC & OPEN is in bijlage! A flyer of our double show CAC & OPEN is attached!
5€ de réductions lors de l'inscription aux deux shows. Discount of 5€ when registering for both shows. 5€ korting bij inschrijving op beide shows.
Het wordt alvast opnieuw een knaller! Ce sera génial encore une fois! It will be a blast again!
Visitor's entries are for free! Ingang voor bezoekers is gratis! Les entrées visiteurs sont gratuites!
ATTENTION - extra information
Both shows are held in the open air at an athletics stadium
CAC Show
A maximum of 100 dogs per judge at the CAC show
Title of "Belgian Top Terrier 2025" for every BOB & BOS
Full main ring with all participating classes
A maximum of 80 dogs per judge at the OPEN show
A full judge's report shall be given during the OPEN show
Title of "Belgian Junior Terrier 2025" for every Best Junior (M/F)
Title of "Belgian Veteran Terrier 2025" for every Best Veteran (M/F)
Main ring only for Junior and Veteran class winners
A mobile chip shop (Belgian fries) will be available at the venue