Schweizerischer Briardclub
Schweizerischer Klub der Beauceronfreunde
Club Suisse des Amis du Beauceron

Morning - Clubshow 1 with CAC
Afternoon - Clubshow 2 with CAC
Judges Briard
Morning - Janine Böhi-Wenger (CH)
Afternoon - Marianne Müller (DE)
Judges Beauceron
Morning - Marianne Müller (DE)
Afternoon - Janine Böhi-Wenger (CH)
07.30 hr. - Entry of dogs
08.00 hr. - Beginning of the Morning Clubshow
14.00 hr. - Beginning of the Afternoon Clubshow
Informatie / Information
- Free digital catalogue;
- When the show has to be cancelled because of Covid we will reïmburse the entry fee minus 5,405 %.
47°14'31" N 08°30'17" E
Hunderennbahn Rifferswil
8911 Rifferswil