CAC Vrbljene + CAC Specialna razstava za tibetanske pasme v okviru CAC / Speciality show for Tibetan breeds within the CAC
CAC Specialna klubska razstava za prinašalce / CAC Specialty club show for Retrievers
CAC Barje + CAC Specialna razstava za angleške buldoge v okviru CAC / Speciality show for Bulldogs within the CAC
COVID informacija: COVID ukrepi bodo v skladu s trenutno veljavno zakonodajo. Trenutno situacijo lahko spremljate tukaj.
COVID info: Preventive measures according to government regulations at the time of the exhibition. The current situation info is here.
COVID-Info: Die COVID präventive Maßnahmen entsprechen gemäß den behördlichen Vorschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Ausstellung. Die aktuellen Infos gibt es hier. (Englisch)
Info COVID: Misure preventive secondo le normative governative al momento della mostra. Le informazioni sulla situazione attuale sono qui.
Registrations for this show are closed at this time.