$BackTo(Date) Sunday 17/12
Ring 21A - Catherine Pil
Males - Open
NHSB 3014663 (52814000622008 NLD) 09/08/15
Dansk Dynasty Benjamin-Blaze x Dansk Dynasty Hylke
Breeder: J.w. Van Haren
Owner: J.E.M. Konijnenburg-Grootens NL Netherlands
Males - Champion
LOSH 9157031 (900006000217188) 01/01/14
Solivia’s St Croix x Franzini Scheggia
Breeder: Joseph & Renata Mirto
Owner: Christ De Coninck BE Belgium
LOSH 1141246 (981100004009072) 13/02/14
Seasyde View From The Top x Seasyde She Sells Seashells By The Weimpoint Shore
Breeder: Kristina Pilatus
Owner: Kristina Scarlett Pilatus Burnside GB United Kingdom
Females - Open
NHSB 3014666 (528140000621260) 09/08/15
Dansk Dynasty Benjamin Blaze x Dansk Dynasty Hylke
Breeder: J. Van Haren
Owner: Jeanne Van Boxtel NL Netherlands