Ring 59 - Pia Hansen
Males - Minor puppy
LOSH INAANVRAAG (981100004302115) 03/03/16
Maestro Van 'T Cortenhof x Myla The La Shedor
Breeder: Jannie De Vries
Owner: Mireille Devriendt
Owner: Mireille Devriendt

PKR 7063/XLI/16 (900164000892850) 24/03/16
Kayun Lowe Von Thuringen x Ps I Love You Lena Zlota Elita
Breeder: Ekiert Mariola
Owner: Paulina Krol-Knutsen
Owner: Paulina Krol-Knutsen

Males - Puppy
LOSH ENATTENTE (981100004294061) 24/02/16
Hippulan Karhunkaataja x Lausanne De Faucon Val
Breeder: Léa Leruitte
Owner: Lea Leruitte
Owner: Lea Leruitte

LOSH 1172041 (967000009769169) 18/02/16
Ann's Lions Fi Country Boy x Email 4 You Member Of The Leogang
Breeder: Spinnael Nancy
Owner: Nancy Spinnael
Owner: Nancy Spinnael

LOSH ENATTENTE (981100004293284) 24/02/16
Karhunkaataja Hippulan x Lausanne De Faucon Val
Breeder: Lea Leruitte
Owner: Dimitri Lecoq
Owner: Dimitri Lecoq

PKR II124080 (616093900150122) 24/12/15
Don Archibald Bertusowy Gaj x Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Bella Saga
Breeder: Izabella A. Dopierala
Owner: Viviane De Schaepdryver
Owner: Viviane De Schaepdryver

Males - Junior
RKF 4306300 (643094100352924) 12/04/15
Namupalan Russian Roulette x Spring Honey Iz Galkina Gnezda
Breeder: Karavaitseva G.
Owner: Petrakova E.
Owner: Petrakova E.

IKC A03277 (981098196136329) 29/09/15
Leokings Lionheart x Lempileijonan Yks Cuklaacilma
Breeder: Mrs Anni Lahti Lempileijonan
Owner: Mandy Moore
Owner: Mandy Moore

LOSH 1166470 (981100004150054000) 09/09/15
Konnors La Roseraie Pourpre x Jetaime Lions From D'Es
Breeder: Luc Van Deuren - Claessens
Owner: Björn Vermeiren
Owner: Björn Vermeiren

NHSB 3009221 (528140000615901) 20/06/15
Khaimas Christmas Nanoq x Rosaceae Rosa
Breeder: Yvonne Van Lobenstein- De Heij
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein

Males - Open
RKF 3946985 (985170003046424) 29/07/14
Amicus Optimus Vitalis x Rus Neva-Da Andrea
Breeder: Mikhaleva Anna
Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev
Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev

PKR II116061 (900032001935059) 04/10/13
Cool Indigo Jr. Ginjger Heaven x Sagitta Alfa Leonis
Breeder: Isabella Isabella A. Dopierala
Owner: Marc Moerenhout
Owner: Marc Moerenhout

LOF 31052/0 (250269604787486) 08/02/13
Igloo Du Plateau Bavarois x Diam'S Du Mont De Gaia
Breeder: Sabine Chabanne
Owner: Marie-Laure Weiss
Owner: Marie-Laure Weiss

LOSH 1082206 (967000009074336) 25/05/10
Fuego x Belphegor Du Violon D'Or
Breeder: Dominique Dewame
Owner: Raphaël vancranenbroeck
Owner: Raphaël vancranenbroeck

LOF 32724 (250269802567428) 26/08/14
Namupalan Bling Baiser Fils x Happy Life Zielona Cieszynianka
Breeder: Delphine Bignolais
Owner: Patricia Musiaux
Owner: Patricia Musiaux

LOF 32719 (250269802583987) 26/08/14
Namupalan Bling Baiser Fils x Happy Life Zielona Cieszynianka
Breeder: Delphine Lecomte
Owner: Nancy Spinnael
Owner: Nancy Spinnael

IKC Z50893 (966000000185401) 07/02/13
New Hope Vom Lowengarten x Robynra'S Albertina
Breeder: Mrs Jacqueline Stein Leokings
Owner: Mandy Moore
Owner: Mandy Moore

LOSH 9150494 (900182000569619) 30/01/13
Nando - Junior Leo V. Jerichower Land x Medvebergi Maszkos Buxa Klasse
Breeder: Beatrix Fikóné Kutasi
Owner: Wendy Libert
Owner: Wendy Libert

LOSH 1141342 (967000009595958) 26/03/14
Jairo Lion De La Toison D'Or x Rosi Lowe Von Bayern
Breeder: Pieter Knapen
Owner: Raphaël vancranenbroeck
Owner: Raphaël vancranenbroeck

PKR 115771 (900032001935048) 04/10/13
Cool Indigo Jr Ginger Heaven x Sagitta Alfa Leonis
Breeder: Izabella A. Dopierala
Owner: Viviane De Schaepdryver
Owner: Viviane De Schaepdryver

NHSB 2952994 (528140000559813) 05/02/14
Radiant Star'S Adonis Arosaceae x Rosaceae Rosa
Breeder: Yvonne Y.t.m Van Lobenstein-De Heij
Owner: Thea Van Der Meulen - Hermus
Owner: Thea Van Der Meulen - Hermus

NHSB 2938771 (528140000541158) 14/09/13
Namupalan Toivon Hurmuri x Fjalar Vom Lowengarten
Breeder: Yvonne Van Lobenstein- De Heij
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein

KC AR00569004 (985170003074928) 20/01/14
Genkini Carini Du Temple D'Artemis x Simden Whisper On The Wind
Breeder: Julie Cole
Owner: Thorne Christopher
United Kingdom
Owner: Thorne Christopher

Males - Champion
RKF 3239564 (981020005921882) 03/03/12
Amicus Optimus Aurelius x Olivia Iz Poselka Sokol
Breeder: Boris Kaskov
Owner: Natalia Agafonova
Owner: Natalia Agafonova

RKF 3239568 (643094100181456) 06/03/12
Amicus Optimus Aurelius x Olivia Iz Poselka Sokol
Breeder: Kaskov Boris
Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev
Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev

VDH DLZB25389 (276093400254382) 13/07/12
Meus Amicus Harko x De 'la Rosa Vom Leuenfort
Breeder: Mahnert J. Ueckermann Ch Christel Jurgen
Owner: Luc Vandeuren
Owner: Luc Vandeuren

LOSH 1112515 (981100002771447) 03/05/12
Ch. Igloo Du Plateau Bavarois x Happiness Uit 'T Berggat
Breeder: Marjanne Cuyvers
Owner: Pramila Brants - Telang
Owner: Pramila Brants - Telang

IKC Z18187 (966000000058236) 28/08/11
Leokings Oslo x Robynra'S Albertina
Breeder: Mrs Jacquline Stein Leokings
Owner: Mandy Moore
Owner: Mandy Moore

NHSB 2780740 (528140000398549) 27/01/10
Zodiak Vom Lowengarten x Rosaceae Zea
Breeder: Yvonne Van Lobenstein- De Heij
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein

Males - Veteran
CLP CLP/L/3985 (203098100228696) 16/07/07
Cimba Welf V. Cueva De Leones x Cancorka H. Bora Z Miloticek
Breeder: Nc Jaroslava Smrhova
Owner: Carine Roobrouck
Owner: Carine Roobrouck

Females - Minor puppy
LOSH INAANVRAAG (967000009785383) 07/03/16
Khaimas' Christmas Nanoq x Maud Van 'T Drongengoedbos
Breeder: Gérard-Ann-Elise D'Haene-D'Hellem-Werbrouck
Owner: Gerard Ann Elise D'Haene-D'Hellem-Werbrouck
Owner: Gerard Ann Elise D'Haene-D'Hellem-Werbrouck

Females - Puppy
VDH DLZB27407 (276098007135729) 08/01/16
Amicus Optimus Vitalis x Hazel Leo Von Der Seewiese
Breeder: Hartung Helmut
Owner: Rustem Serazetdinov
Owner: Rustem Serazetdinov

LOSH ENATTENTE (981100004295784) 24/02/16
Hippulan Karhunkaataja x Lausanne De Faucon Val
Breeder: Léa Leruitte
Owner: Lea Leruitte
Owner: Lea Leruitte

PKR II124080 (616093900150115) 24/12/15
Don Archibald Bertusowy Gaj x Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Bella Saga
Breeder: Izabella Izabella A. Dopierata
Owner: Marylène Rollier
Owner: Marylène Rollier

PKR II124081 (616093900150079) 24/12/15
Don Archibald Bertusowy Gaj x Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Bella Saga
Breeder: Dopiera_a Izabella Agnieszka
Owner: Izabella Dopiera_a
Owner: Izabella Dopiera_a

KC AT0902612 (616093900149927) 24/12/15
Don Archibald Bertusowy Gaj x Quen Star Sagitta Dolce Bella Saga
Breeder: Izabella . Dopierala
Owner: Julie Cole
United Kingdom
Owner: Julie Cole

Females - Junior
UKU 245505 (900085000163796) 26/03/15
Kosher Z Leonvho x Amiras Platinum Vivien
Breeder: Dymkova A
Owner: Gvozdieva Maria
Owner: Gvozdieva Maria

NHSB 3017859 (528140000617349) 11/09/15
Namupalan Bling Smak Chap x Femke Van Het Leonhuuske
Breeder: B. Elshof
Owner: Bert Elshof
Owner: Bert Elshof

SE 20568/2015 (977200008325963) 06/03/15
Medvebergi Maszkos Excel x Knockando's Winther In Salinas
Breeder: Ruth Lintonsson
Owner: Henk Vanhoutte
Owner: Henk Vanhoutte

LOF 33418/0 (250268712327545) 26/05/15
Jairo Lion De La Toison D'Or x Heaven De La Pierre Oiseau
Breeder: Anthony Cole
Owner: Anthony Cole
Owner: Anthony Cole

LOF 33622/6892 (250269606480633) 22/08/15
Namupalan Bling Baiser Fils x Happy Life Zielona Cieszynianka
Breeder: Delphine Leconte
Owner: daniel Desrumaux
Owner: daniel Desrumaux

LOSH 1155355 (967000009702715) 15/03/15
Wictoriinan Story Of Lion King x Lanzarote Du Plateau Bavarois
Breeder: Nancy Spinnael
Owner: Thierry Poirot
Owner: Thierry Poirot

NHSB 3011770 (528140000618218) 07/07/15
Namupalan Bling Baiser Fils x Rosaceae Iris
Breeder: Y. T .m Van Lobenstein - De Heij Yvonne
Owner: Thea Van Der Meulen - Hermus
Owner: Thea Van Der Meulen - Hermus

KC AS02129203 (900118000385434) 21/04/15
Malte Mo Lowe Vom Bernburgerland x Rossnick Toldyaso
Breeder: Mrs C Peters
Owner: Sonja Gorbould
United Kingdom
Owner: Sonja Gorbould

Females - Intermediate
LOSH INAFWACHTING (981100002940661) 12/10/14
Matze C Bora Z Miloticet x Jelka From Yellow' Garden
Breeder: Bart -Carine Bauwens - Roobrouck
Owner: Marc Moerenhout
Owner: Marc Moerenhout

LOSH 1151162 (972270000349894) 02/10/14
Ceasar Off The Lion'S Holl x Kalone Lion De La Toison D'Or
Breeder: Dominique Dewamme
Owner: Dominique Dewamme
Owner: Dominique Dewamme

NHSB 2999063 (528140000605213) 26/03/15
Wictoriinan Story Of Lion King x Tonja Vom Lowengarten
Breeder: H.j.m. Roefs
Owner: Erik Roefs
Owner: Erik Roefs

NHSB 3004742 (900096000093921) 20/09/14
Taifun -Suski Leo Vom Jerichower Land x Sweetheart- Samia Vom Jerichower Land
Breeder: Kathrin . Kirsch
Owner: JACK Otten
Owner: JACK Otten

Females - Open
LOF 300676444 (250268710150499) 17/03/12
Bao De Clos Des Gres x Corazon De La Pierre Oiseau
Breeder: Sylvie Cardon
Owner: Anthony Cole
Owner: Anthony Cole

LOF 31733 (250268500659401) 14/11/13
Feeling Bavaruki x Fancy De La Boissiere Ouest
Breeder: Maud Marini
Owner: Maud Marini
Owner: Maud Marini

LOF 32536/6733 (250268731169736) 30/07/14
Ann'S Lions Fi Country Dit Grizzly x Ermione De L'Ambre Des Pierrieres
Breeder: Anny Et Joel Debacker
Owner: Joel Debacker
Owner: Joel Debacker

SHSB 727388 (250269606198764) 28/03/14
Ginko Des Neuf Grains D'Or x Emylou Du Nimbus Big Band
Breeder: Sylvie Mercier
Owner: Josette Pérusset
Owner: Josette Pérusset

LOSH 1147464 (967000009691786) 01/06/14
Go-And-Go x Isis De La Comte De Fara
Breeder: Isabelle Disneur
Owner: Isabelle Disneur
Owner: Isabelle Disneur

KC AR00569006 (985170002957844) 20/01/14
Fr Ch Genkini Carini Du Temple D'Artemis x Simden Whisper On The Wind
Breeder: Mrs Julie Cole
Owner: Julie Cole
United Kingdom
Owner: Julie Cole

KC AR00569005 (985170002960049) 20/01/14
Fr Ch. Genkini Carini Du Temple D'Artemis x Simden Whisper On The Wind
Breeder: Mrs J Cole
Owner: G Thomas
United Kingdom
Owner: G Thomas

ROI LO1463476 (578098100426420) 19/10/13
Rua Soleil Gordon Guiness x Skjaergaardens Halloween Memory
Breeder: Tone Mosby
Owner: Maggi Paola
Owner: Maggi Paola

Females - Champion
NHSB 2847365 (528140000464511) 15/07/11
Gibson Vom Lowengarten x Kalyani Kirsten Vom Welland
Breeder: Bert En Mieke Elshof
Owner: Bert Elshof
Owner: Bert Elshof

NO 38869/13 (578077000212825) 17/03/13
Amicus Optimus Antonius x Lovelies Harmony Von Unkas
Breeder: V And H Nordmo
Owner: Diane And Lauren Whan
United Kingdom
Owner: Diane And Lauren Whan

LOSH /1129613 (967000009529586) 25/06/13
Jokull Lowe Von Walhall x Johanna Van 'T Drongengoedbos
Breeder: Gerard En Ann D'Haene-D'Hellem
Owner: Gerard Ann D'Haene-D'Hellem
Owner: Gerard Ann D'Haene-D'Hellem

LOSH /1129612 (967000009529700) 25/06/13
Jokull Lowe Von Walhall x Johanna Van 'T Drongengoedbos
Breeder: Gerard En Ann D'Haene-D'Hellem
Owner: Gerard Ann D'Haene-D'Hellem
Owner: Gerard Ann D'Haene-D'Hellem

NHSB 2938775 (528140000544458) 14/09/13
Namupalan Toivon Hurmuri x Fjalar Vom Lowengarten
Breeder: Yvonne Van Lobenstein- De Heij
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein
Owner: yvonne van Lobenstein

RKF 3667115 (643094100308582) 06/06/13
Dusty Leo V.d. Seewiese x Rus Neva-Da Andrea
Breeder: Sereda Tatiana
Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev
Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev

NHSB 2916959 (276094500044298) 12/09/12
Fairytroll'S X-Mas Elf Zodiac x Balisha Leo Vom Birkenberg
Breeder: Rahel Schale
Owner: Erik Roefs
Owner: Erik Roefs

Owner: Evgeny Mikhalev

Amicus Leo Vom Zarendorf
Rus Neva-Da Rebecka
Owner: Viviane De Schaepdryver