DWCA Christmas Corgi Specialty Netherlands

DWCA Christmas Corgi Specialty Ergebnisse anzeigen Katalog öffnen

DWCA Christmas Corgi Specialty

The best (fe)male wins a double CAC.

If the best (fe)male is a Dutch Champion, the double points will be re-allocated by the Dutch Kennelclub to the reserve best (fe)male. In that case, the point for the reserve best (fe)male will be cancelled.

The reserve best (fe)male wins a full CAC.

The best junior/veteran (fe)male who received an excellent wins a full junior/veteran CAC.

Best of Breed also wins the title: Clubwinner 2023 (CW´23).




  • Full digital ring administration and free online catalog;
  • Judment by classes inclusive judgment report with  CAC;
  • Preventive measures according to government regulations at the time of the exhibition;
  • In case of the show must be cancelled subscription will be refunded minus 8,5%.

51°26'57" N 06°03'08" E
Merthal te Horst
Gasthuisstraat 30
5961 GB Horst aan de Maas
Dutch Welsh Corgi Association


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